Final update! (I guess?)

Sooo...Unobelisk was kind of abandoned these last couple of years, despite being full of bugs and stuff. Performance is all over the place, some parts actually got untranslated (I did check it a couple of times, but it's hard as a single dev), and even some elements of the core gameplay bothered me after some tests. 

Along with all the problems, the game was still available on itch for $10, when pretty much everyone already own this because of a bundle haha Yeah, got virtually no money with this game, which is frustrating as someone that worked really hard on it for 2 years, but i'm really thankful for the exposition at the same time. Got some positive feedback from people that actually enjoyed the game, and a considerable number of downloads for something with pretty much zero marketing, which is probably the best Unobelisk could ever achieve lmao

Thanks everyone that played (and even liked) Unobelisk! Also thanks to the single person not from my family to purchase it! : )

The final update solve some bugs, untranslated stuff, and add really really tiny bits of quality of life mechanics. It also does not solve some critical problems, either because it would be too much work (For a game that is now free :p) or i was simply clueless on how to do it.

There's also a retranslation/edition of the english text, made by Joel Schwartz . It fix some typos and makes the writing more cohesive. Honestly, he's the reason for this update to even exist, so thanks Joel!

What changes with this update:

- Most primordial ghosts will only respawn after using a restoration chamber, instead of every screen transition.

- Puzzles related to the "Matter" items (Like "Matter P" or "Matter S") were completely remade.

- Some enemies' stats got rebalanced to make them more fair.

- Solved a really nasty bug with the ending ranking showing only 25/26 of modules collected even if the player got them all.

- 3 rooms with optional modules had untranslated text, which was fixed. Hopefully i didn't miss anything else : o

- The compass used to show wrong directions in specific rooms, but not anymore (I hope).

Problems that wasn't solved in this update:

- The eventual lag in some rooms. Really wasted a lot of time trying to solve this one, but i couldn't reproduce the lag in tests, unless when i was actually playing the game from start to finish. The lag in "Hall of the Colors" is specially terrible for some really weird reason, but it can be partially fixed by going to the stairs and returning to the Hall.

And...that's it for now. This is meant to be the last update for Unobelisk, but i'll probably mess with this again in case there's any game breaking bug i'm not aware of.

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